Dear students, the following rules are to be strictly observed for the course registration and teaching period to go smoothly, and to avoid e-mail traffic.


** If you have questions about/experience a problem during the registration please contact your academic advisor FIRST. Please be patient with the response to come from your advisor. Besides, when you are to email department administration directly, your advisor must be cc'ed to your message.

** Please show patience about the course quotas. The registration period covers three days. Please do not email department administration about this subject (such messages constitute a considerable chunk of the mailing traffic). Please contact your advisor/instructor of the course concerned/our department secretaries.

** You will have quota for the Phil 115 Course, one of the first year restricted elective courses. Yet, for you to be able to register for this course, you need to contact (email or face-to-face) the secretary of the Philosophy department.

** Registration for the Econ 208 course (another first year restricted elective course) will be open during the ADD DROP period (for Section 2)

** Student lists for the sections of must courses are to be determined by department administration in advance, and section changes are not allowed, except for the cases of "schedule conflict" or "taking the course for a second time".

** In line with the University Senate's decision, the language of instruction of the course ADM 2402 Constitutional Law is Turkish. So, if desired, students who are non-Turkish-Citizens can take an extra course from the restricted elective list of the first year and replace it with ADM 2402. This course is a must for students who are Turkish Citizens.

** The course IR 206 is now listed as a restricted elective course for the SECOND YEAR.

** The courses ADM 4180 Urban Politics, ADM 4220 Public Finance and ADM 4231 Turkish Public Personnel System:

can be taken either as a "restricted elective" in the second year, or as a 3rd and 4th year "departmental elective". Please make sure that you select the proper status for the course, in line with your grade (if second year: restricted elective; if 3rd or 4th: departmental elective). As you register, Section 1 is for 4th year students; Section 2 is for 3rd year students; and Section 3 is for 2nd year students.

** For departmental elective courses: Section 1 is for 4th year students; and Section 2 is for 3rd year students. And there are enough quota allocated to each. There will be a capacity transfer between these sections, if there still is not-filled quota in either of these sections. Other than than, there will not be an overall capacity increase. So, please do avoid emailing the instructors (of these courses) or department administration about capacity increases, otherwise that will create a communication overload. Please follow the announcements and check the open spaces in those courses patiently till the last day.

** The course ADM 3205 Bureaucracy and Turkish Bureaucracy is open only to 3rd year students.

** 3rd and 4th year students are not allowed to take 100 code courses from social science/humanities departments (such as psychology, sociology, philosophy etc) as free elective courses.

** No two courses from the same instructor (in the same term) can be taken.

** Students can register the sections fitting their own schedules for the courses ENG 102 and TURK coded ones (for non-TR citizens). Yet, you are encouraged to act at once for registration (for these courses) as their capacities are filled quickly. For the capacities and criteria related announcements about these courses, you are advised to check the website of Modern Languages.

** As non-credit history courses are to be delivered in the asencronized format, there will not be a schedule conflict problem concerning those courses.


Wishing you all success in the new term.

PSPA Department Administration

Last Updated:
28/02/2023 - 12:49